Yearly Habitation/Damp Checks

Motorhome and caravan damp checks in Shropshire

Your  leisure asset is a significant investment, and we understand how important it is to keep it in top condition. Our team of experts is dedicated to providing comprehensive annual habitation and damp check services to ensure your motorhome remains safe, comfortable, and free from any moisture-related issues. We offer this service in addition to our many caravan and motorhome repairs in Shropshire, so you can trust that your home away from home is in tip-top condition, livable and safe for habitation.

Why would you need a habitation & damp check?

Regular habitation and damp checks are crucial for maintaining the safety and longevity of your motorhome. Over time, various components may wear down or become damaged, potentially leading to issues with gas, water, and electrical systems. Furthermore, moisture can accumulate in your motorhome, causing dampness and potentially resulting in costly structural damage.

What we do

In our habitation checks, we'll go through the leisure asset checking; gas, electrics and all appliances. Gas flues will be cleaned out and, in the event that no irregularities have been discovered, the entire vehicle will be declared safe for habitation. If anything requires closer attention, we can provide that too – a great addition to your service history!

Our damp checks involve covering every area of the motorhome to check for damp – this involves; testing your gas system, appliances, electrical system, water system. Following these checks, you will receive a detailed damp report and advice on the appropriate next steps.

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Ensure a habitable, safe motorhome for yourself and your family

Contact the team today to discuss your needs and see what else we can do for you.

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